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Greetings from the Inclusion Department

We are really missing seeing all your children in school, and hope that everyone is staying healthy at home. Children thrive on routine and structure - but what this looks like differs from family to family.  Having a morning routine, including getting dressed, eating breakfast, and davening, will help set a calm start to the day.  You might like to set a schedule for the day, or have a list of tasks to do, that children can tick off as they go. We suggest including some fun things, like art, game time, etc. Building in times for snack and lunch, as well as play, will help break up the day, and avoid the constant, "I'm hungry!" This is a great chance to practice time-telling for older children!​

Fresh air and exercise are always so important, and even more so at this time.

Timetable outdoor time into your day. If you have a garden, take advantage of the improving weather, and play outside. Water painting (with a paintbrush and a cup of water) on the fence or patio are great for building up our gross motor skills. If you don't have an outdoor area, go on a family walk (respecting the rules of social distancing). Can you play I-Spy? Go on a treasure hunt? How many blue doors or red cars can you see? We have attached a fitness activity that can be done in any space.


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